
Sales Team Visits Glass Manufacturing Facility to Deepen Technical Expertise
Sales Team Visits Glass Manufacturing Facility to Deepen Technical Expertise

February 18, 2025

To enhance product knowledge and client service capabilities, a delegation of sales professionals from Xiamen UPC Import & Export Co., Ltd. recently conducted an immersive training session at a leading glass production facility. The visit focused on mastering advanced glass bottle manufacturing techniques, including the Narrow Neck Press and Blow (NNPB) and Blow and Blow (B&B) processes, alongside quality inspection protocols.

Key Highlights of the Technical Training 1. Narrow Neck Press and Blow (NNPB) Process The NNPB method, widely adopted for producing high-end lightweight bottles (e.g., perfumes, premium beverages), was demonstrated using a state-of-the-art four-gob multifunctional bottle-making machine. This technology enables synchronized molding of four preforms in a single cycle, significantly boosting efficiency. Critical steps include: - Molten glass distribution: Automated servo-controlled systems ensure precise gob allocation to multiple cavities. - Preform shaping: A parallel-switch structure in the initial and final molds ensures uniform wall thickness, reducing defects. - Servo-driven flipping mechanism: Transfers preforms seamlessly between molds, minimizing thermal stress.

Compared to traditional methods, NNPB achieves 20% lighter bottles with enhanced structural integrity, aligning with sustainability goals.

2. Blow and Blow (B&B) Process The B&B technique, ideal for standard glass containers (e.g., jars, wider-neck bottles), relies on a two-stage blowing process without preform pressing. While cost-effective, it faces limitations in producing ultra-thin walls and complex shapes. Sales teams noted that B&B remains dominant for high-volume, low-complexity orders, whereas NNPB caters to premium markets.

3. Quality Control and Defect Detection The facility showcased advanced inspection systems, including automated optical scanners and pressure tests, to identify flaws like uneven thickness, cracks, or air bubbles. Training emphasized the role of real-time data analysis in minimizing reject rates and adhering to ISO standards. Notably, the integration of AI-driven defect recognition tools has reduced inspection time by 35%.

Strategic Implications for Xiamen UPC By deepening technical insights, the sales team is better equipped to: - Advise clients on optimal production methods based on design complexity and cost targets. - Articulate quality assurances, leveraging advanced defect detection protocols. - Promote sustainable lightweight solutions, a growing demand in European and North American markets.

About Xiamen UPC Import & Export Co., Ltd. Specializing in glassware exports since 2008, we partner with global manufacturers to deliver innovative, sustainable packaging solutions. Our technical training initiatives ensure unmatched client support from design to delivery.

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Sales Team Visits Glass Manufacturing Facility to Deepen Technical Expertise


February 18, 2025 To enhance product knowledge and client service capabilities, a delegation of sales professionals from Xiamen UPC Import & Export Co., Ltd. recently conducted an immersive train…

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